GPSO Calculations

by clthaler



This App is used to calculate heading, angle and offset values between given GPS coordinates. The format of GPS coordinates can differ, i.e. UTM or Latitude/Longitude.The main functions are planned to cover a heading calculation between two points, calculation of pitch/roll angle between 2 points, offset calculations between two points based on a x-y-z frame, a bearing/range offset calculation for an USBL system by the use of GPS coordinates and the conversion between UTM and Latitude/Longitude of a single GPS point.The format of the GPS coordinates is UTM by default, but not limited to that. Some calculation can be done also in Latitude/Longitude, some calculations needs a coordinate transformation to UTM and is done internally. For more accuracy/reliable an external software should be used, e.g. Transdat.The range of values for coordinates is limited to the definition of UTM coordinates, independently of a needed conversion. As two points are needed, they have to be within the same UTM zone as also expected by a user input.